Thursday, August 26, 2010

Untold Story of Champagne

"What are the grapes used to make Champagne?"   

If you are a student of wine or know the basics, this question is not too hard to answer. But did you know there are 5 other varieties that can be used to make Champagne?

Here is the list:

Arbanne- important in Aube in the 19th century; flowery bouquet; sensitivity to mildew

Petit Meslier- cultivated in Aube; good acidity with fruity aroma; sensitive to viruses and grey rot

Gamay- banned by law in 1927; but if the vine grower is more than 95 years old and the vines planted prior to 1948, you can obtain a special permission to grow it

Fromenteau- fruity taste with tropical fruit note with body; also cultivated in Alsace

Pinot Blanc- a mutation of Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir

Due to the lack of commercial importance, only a handful of producers still make Champagne from these varieties. Two I found are:

Moutard Vielles Vignes Cepages Arbane
(100% Arbanne)

Aubry Le Nombre d'Or
(depending on a vintage but usually a blend of Arbanne, Petit Meslier and Pinot Blanc)

*WARNING: please do not write these varieties as answer for your wine test unless you are sitting for the Masters of Wine exam

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